Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente 1972

Crime Drama

During a clash between demonstrating laborers, a policeman and a student are both killed. In charge of the case are a magistrate and two commissioners.

Alle Titel
  • IT: Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente
  • AT: Mordanklage gegen einen Studenten Mordanklage gegen einen Studenten
  • FR: Chronique d'un homicide Chronique d'un homicide
  • ES: Proceso a un estudiante acusado de homicidio Proceso a un estudiante acusado de homicidio
  • IT: Mordanklage Mordanklage
  • IT: Italian Streetfighters Italian Streetfighters
  • IT: Chronicle of a Homicide Chronicle of a Homicide
Release 08 Feb 1974
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